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10 Steps to Attract New Clients for Your Graphic Design Business
1) Start with existing clients. I’ve heard that the best clients for a graphic design business are the ones that you already have, so make it work to your benefit. Send regular newsletters or emails to educate your clients about your graphic design services. Give them a reason to call - a different limited time offer every month.
2) Referrals, Referrals, Referrals. Don’t be afraid to ask clients for referrals - especially after the job is done and you have WOWed them with your graphic design talents! Again, give incentives - “For every new client you send my way, I’ll give you 25% off your next design job”, or something similar.
3) Photos or Visuals. Create a portfolio for your graphic design business that you can present before and after samples and explain why you took a certain approach. Did the client ask for something specific that you were able to incorporate? Or did your client create a “portable” portfolio with testimonials and educational materials for your clients to keep and possibly display at their office for you? Of course, online graphic design portfolios are huge. Don’t have one? It’s time to create one. Take a look at All Creative Portfolios and other creative portfolio sites in order to get your graphic design services displayed.
4) Press Releases. Write a short, one page article about your graphic design business and services you provide and submit it to local and national publications. These are great because they are FREE! Be sure to have high resolution files and/or photos available upon request should they publish the article.
5)Mailers. Target people recently moved to the area who could benefit from your graphic design services/product etc. There are many low cost postcard printers out there - maybe work out a trade for printing and design?
6) Give and get help from people in related fields. Don’t be snooty - we are all just trying to make a living, right? If someone contacts you and asks for your graphic design expertise, give it to them! Chances are it will be remembered and rewarded in the future. You never know - they could turn out to be your next business partner!
7) Give and get help from surrounding businesses. Hand deliver a promotional offer to nearby businesses with a special offer included. Be sure to respect places that don’t except solicitation. Be brief if you leave something with them - they are busy, and don’t want to be bothered, but may appreciate a local person with an offer they can’t refuse.
8 ) Call your client after the job is done. Ask them questions about the service/product you provided. Can you improve something? More than anything, people will appreciate the follow up and will be more likely to remember you for the next project they need help with.
9) Educate and Motivate. Speak in the community - local schools, professional organizations, etc. What made you want to become a graphic designer? How do you feel graphic design contributes to society?
10) Stay current in your field of graphic design. Stay educated up on new technology, new techniques, etc. Try to schedule time each month to do research online or at the library.
Also, take a survey of clients you already have on WHY they chose you over another provider. This will tell you what your marketing message should be. Results oriented marketing depends upon testing, tracking what works and what doesn’t, being persistent and learning from mistakes.
Find out more information about promoting your freelance graphic design business with the following articles.
Submitted by Hancey Design -
Technorati Tags: self promotion, graphic design, graphic designer, graphic design business, graphic design career, design career, business, attract new clients, promotion, marketing